All That We Dream Of
September 12 – october 11
SITE 280 Gallery
Contributing Artists
Charlie Thackway
Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:
“We live in a civilization that is rotting from the to down and has become hooked on the bounty of its own destruction. A system where wealth is marked by the ability to recklessly consume, where success is to create dependence and dominance. Where convenience is king and beauty is perfection. The earth thas been scarred by the structures and habits of our god-like disposition. Although our situation is dire, I look to critique this consumption with optimism, working to redefine value and beauty and bring humanity to spaces that have been systematically stripped of it.
I work with the built environment as a landscape, a new natural that we live within. This landscape is my material, and its refuse a potent indicator of our destructive ways. But within this world of the discarded and undesirable, there is an opportunity to intervene and change the narratie of that which our society has left behind.
Acknowledge the scale of our issues and the helplessness we fell in the face of tday’s crises, I look to my community to reconstitutte these feelings through shared localized action and playful intervention. To work together in a gesture of hope and embolden each other through expression. And to celebrate the authenticity and freedom that brings us together, for this may be all we can do.”
September 12, 4:00-6:00 PM
280 Gallery
September 18, 3:15-6:30 PM
280 Gallery
“Join us to transform this large collection of reclaimed wood into a communal sculpture. In a free act of expression, the building emerges from the shared effort and vision of participants, bringing a new light to the gallery.”
Exhibition Material
SAIC’s student-run fnews Magazine covered All That We Dream Of and the exhibition’s programming.