Artemio Gacuma: Work in Progress


September 28 – October 7

Gallery X



Jonathon P. Londres

Contributing Artists

Artemio Gacuma

Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:

Artemio Gacuma was born May 7, 1970 in Sabrica, Negros Occidental, Philippines and when he was twelve, moved to Los Angeles with his family. He began his art education in 1990 at Pasadena City College and transferred to the School of the Art Institute in the Fall of 1992. Artemio drown at Oxbow June 25, 1995. Curator’s Note: I don’t think of this as way to mourn his death. Art is gone and we will always miss him, and that is something that we will have to deal with in our own time and in our own way. I would rather view this as time for looking back upon our own lives. and how much we actually give each other. In our own time. 


October 7, 4:00 PM

Gallery X

Exhibition Material