School/Student/Leaders: Public and Private Identity


September 22 – December 21

8th Floor Hallway Space, Champlain Building

October 11 – November 25

LG Space



Ian Muirhead and Everest Hall

Contributing Artists

Jason Greenberg

Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:

 Private. Public. Surely there is a line between them. Is it a visible line? What is its length? Who draws the line? Is the line rigid or straight? Or perhaps is it more elastic? What happens when the line is crossed? Each student represented in this exhibition is a public figure at The School. What kind of work do these students do? How does their work reflect the concerns and issues raised by public responsibility? I requested from each student a piece of their choice. In addition, I asked for a work created on stationary bearing our new public identity. This work responds to issues and experiences directly related to the institution, particularly the identity change. My goal is to explore the delicate relationship between the individual student and the institution and the impact that private/public dialogue has on a personal and institutional identity. A line may esrve as a place of separation and as a place of connection. 


October 18, 4:00 PM

LG Space

Exhibition Material