…the light comes in the name of the voice


October 9 – November 3

SITE 280 Gallery


Contributing Artists

Corey Douglass Smith

Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:

the light comes in the name of the voice is an opera for an emptied theater. This seven-hour long musical work, told as a gallery installation using only light and sound, investigates the corners of things, the transparent, the more-than-human. Fabric forms perform the operatic narrative by catching light — they fade in and out of view alongside the original sound score. the light comes in… attempts to articulate the understandable and the imperceptible through the grammar of absence, the logic of ghosts.


Ghost-Writing Photographs: A Collaborative Digital Workshop with Katie Giritlian

October 23, 5:00-6:30 PM

Program statement from the SUGs/SITE archive:

“Conceived as a companion piece to the light comes in the name of the voice — the installation-opera by Corey Smith presented at SITE 280 – This Friday, join SITE galleries for a collaborative ghost writing workshop! Link to register in bio.”

Virtual 7-Hour Opera

October 25

Program statement from the SUGs/SITE archive:

“The full seven-hour opera streamed!
This documentation has been captured by a 360 camera — click and drag to move your view around the gallery.”

Ghost Light: Remixes from the light comes in the name of the voice

October 28, 5:00 PM

Program statement from the SUGs/SITE archive:

“In September 2020, eleven artists were sent fragments of audio from the light comes in the name of the voice, an opera and gallery installation. They were given the task of responding, recontextualizing, and remixing these materials into something new. The result is an album of new audiovisual work, an experiment in collaboration across pandemic, and a collective prayer. A team of remixers — composed of musicians, writers, farmers, performance artists, chefs, woodworkers, and more — carry the music in new directions and offer a collaborative look into the abyss.

The full remix album is available for streaming/purchasing at coreysmith.bandcamp.com.

All proceeds from this album will be donated by the artist to Brave Space Alliance www.bravespacealliance.org

Released October 28, 2020

Remixes by Eric Capper, Nadine Dyskant-Miller, Clay Gonzalez, Jordan Knecht, Lia Kohl, Perry Maddox, Paige Naylor, Ethan T. Parcell, Seth Sexton, and Anthony Sims. Also featuring Simon Anderson, Noah Fishman, and Emma C. Sloan. Special thanks to Ellie Mejía, Katie Giritlian, Matthew Goulish, Roberto Sifuentes, Mark Jeffery and Jamie Irene.”