at the table


April 19 – May 1

LG Space



Contributing Artists

Brooke Chaffee, Courtney Kelley, Jennifer No, Pamela Zimmerman


Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:

You are invited to to a series of performances in which the performer is host and the guests are audience. Come explore the dynamics of the relationship between server and served. Your hosts will be Brooke Chaffee, Courtney Kelley, Jennifer No, and Pamela Zimmerman (Contact the Student Union Galleries by phone or email for specific dates and times of each event). This exhibition is part of a two show series in the Lounge Gallery which presents the collaborative and performative elements of art at SAIC. Be sure to visit the exhibit presenting an improvised installation of tiny multiples: “Reconfabriposeate” at the Lounge Gallery, open May 3 – May 18.


April 19, 4:00 – 6:00 PM

LG Space

Exhibition Material


at the table is featured in SAIC’s digital collection Exhibitions + Events, May 2001.