In The Heart of All Beauty Lies Something Inhuman


October 25 – November 17

LNC Gallery


Contributing Artists

Brittni Hessler & Nina Hartmann

Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:

Inspired by Camus’ The Myth of Sisyphus, the works includes by Brittni Hessler (BFA 2013) and Nina Hartmann (BFA 2013) explore what it means to abuse accuracy through weavings, photographs and sculptures that reference histories of dealing with mortality. In a combination of individual and collaborative piece, both artists contemplate archetypal elements of the unknown through motifs that allude to symbols or tropes of death.

Exhibition Material

In the Heart of All Beauty Lies Something Inhuman was featured in Chicago’s Visual Art Calendar The Visualist.


In The Heart of All Beauty Lies Something Inhuman was featured in SAIC’s Events + Disruptions Fall 2012 newsletters.

This newsletter is stored in SAIC’s digital collection.