May 24 – June 1
Gallery X
Betsy Ayers
Contributing Artists
Maria Volpert
Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:
“Within Maria’s artworks are images of myths and fairytales. An extension of her interest in mythology, Maria presents an environment filled with scenes from another world. Her work captures and infinite void which fluctuates between empty and full, light, and dark.
Black silhouettes are placed upon backdrops of abstract scenery. Each ink rendering depicts a plant, animal, or human figure. From this apperception of form comes a dialogue. It is an unspoken dialogue between person and nature, viewer and artwork, binding together thoughts, emmories, and dreams. Each piece serving as a snapshot of a moment in time; not past, present, nor future, but somewhere inbetween.”
May 24, 3:00 – 5:30 PM
Gallery X