Playing Chess in the Chinese Room


March 30 – April 19

SITE Columbus


Contributing Artists

Alan Perry, Doug Rosman

Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:

John Searle’s Chinese Room thought experiment proposes that a program cannot give a computer a “mind” no matter how human-like the program may cause the computer to behave. And yet, we often consider manifestations of Artificial Intelligence as more than just the tools they were designed to be, but as autonomous, conscious entities in their own right. Playing Chess in the Chinese Room uses this thought experiment as a conceptual framing device, and presents works by Alan Perry (MFA 2019) and Doug Rosman (MFA 2019) that explore the permeable boundary between these non-static identities of Artificial Intelligence: the notion of AI as entity, in a machine designed to beat a chess grandmaster; and AI as tool, a black box meant to facilitate efficient communication between humans.


March 29, 4:00-6:00 PM
SITE Columbus



Open Dialogs: Representation in Philosophy and Technology
April 3-19, 2018:
Tuesdays 11:45-12:45 
Thursdays 12:15-12:45
SITE Columbus

Please join Alan Perry and Doug Rosman for open discussion about issues of representation in philosophy, technology, and chess.

Authentically Artificial: A discussion about artificial intelligence and destabilization
April 12, 2018, 4:00 – 6:00 PM
MacLean Ballroom 

Alan Perry and Doug Rosman host a panel discussion with SAIC faculty about the sociocultural impact of accelerating advances in artificial intelligence.

Participants: Alan Perry, Doug Rosman, Panel: Christopher Baker, Lee Blalock, Shawn Decker, Lindsey French,
Judd Morrissey

Exhibition Material