

May 3 – May 18

LNC Gallery



Contributing Artists

Alaya White, Hatti Figge, Nicole Burke


Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:

“Reconfabriposeate” is a collaborative project inspired by the practices of serialization and improvisation. Alaya White, Hatti Figge and Nicole Burke have each assembled unique, personal collections of tiny multiples. For this exhibition they work together to arrange the numerous parts, linking them through pure visual associations. The result is a sprawling composition arranged across the walls and floor of the space that unifies and relates the variety of content and aesthetic issues invested by each artist. This exhibition is part of a two show series in the Lounge Gallery highlighting the collectorative and performative elements of art at SAIC. Be sure to visit the sister exhibition featuring a series of performances that explore the relationship between server and served: “At the Table” at the Lounge Gallery, open April 19 – May 1.


May 3, 4:00 – 6:00 PM

LG Space

Exhibition Material


Reconfabriposeate is featured in SAIC’s digital collection Exhibitions + Events, May 2001.