Tender Exchange


April 20- May 2

Booth 36 


SUGs curated: Ariel L. Pittman, Bonnie O’Donoghue, Joseph G. Cruz, Joe Mault III

Contributing Artists

Scott Carter, Molly Shea, Zihan Loo, Jennifer Mills, Sean Ward

Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:

Tender Exchange is a collaborative, progressive installation composed of work by five student-artists currently pursuing degrees at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). Over the five days of the 2011 NEXT art fair each artist will contribute their own work to the SUGs exhibition booth while also responding to, working around, and collaborating with the other participating artists and exhibition organizers to produce a material and conceptual experience that extends beyond the independent practices of each participant. This curated series of performative actions, material accumulations, exchanges of tender, and tender exchanges, engages with both the economic and social operations of the art world and the space of the art fair in particular.

Exhibition Material