Malény López Alvarez (b.1996, El Paso, TX) is a Mexican-American artist-activist and performer based in Chicago, hailing from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. She is pursuing her BFA in Visual Development and Animation at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and is the recipient of a 2017 Princess Grace Film Honorarium and 2017 Idea Generation Grant. She is an animator on the feature film, “The Orbit of Minor Satellites” by Chris Sullivan, and she is the director and creator of “Feminicidio”, an animated short film addressing the phenomenon of femicide along the US-Mexico border.

EL PUENTE, 01/2018, digital
CRUZES, 09/2017, digital
LA OFICINA, 02/2018, digital
LA PESADILLA, 08/2017, digital
Sac Nicté, 02/25/17, Digital 2D Animation
43, 02/25/17, Performative Film
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