the floodgates of possibility: RBSC overdue spring/summer update 2017

Posted in ALL THE NEWS, RBSC NUTS 'N BOLTS on Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017

We often refer to the Collection as an ecosystem, an array of individual elements that coalesce into an entity, each part contributing to the limitless possibilities for thinking about, around, and through objects and their relationships. This approach opens the floodgates of possibility, which are currently stuck open. An analogy we had neglected to consider, […]

Roger Brown Study Collection Summer+Fall 2016 Dispatch

Posted in ALL THE NEWS on Friday, December 23rd, 2016

Lots has happened this year, here at the Roger Brown Study Collections, which Ben Nicholson elegantly described as a formal garden of inorganics. Ben’s formal garden analogy is apt for the collection, which remains arranged as Roger planted it. In terms of our work here, we’ve been doing a lot of weeding in the back […]

Fall 2015, what happened

Posted in ALL THE NEWS on Saturday, January 9th, 2016


spring and summer at the RBSC

Posted in ALL THE NEWS on Wednesday, August 26th, 2015

Greetings from the RBSC at the tail end of summer. Spring semester went by in a combined blur of class and staff projects. A few highlights include Nick Lowe’s Sophomore Seminar students who morphed ideas about Roger Brown works of art with areas of interest in the Roger Brown Study Collection, and installation strategies, into the […]

Spring 2014 Update

Posted in ALL THE NEWS, Happening Now at the RBSC on Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

2014 has been mostly winter so far, with hints of spring finally on the horizon. Here’s what’s been happening at the RBSC, while we watch the buds blossom and the flowers bloom. Roger Brown, A Colony of May Apples, 1981, oil on canvas, 48 x 72 inches. Collections In preparation for the major project to […]

Fall 2013 Update

Posted in ALL THE NEWS, Happening Now at the RBSC on Thursday, December 19th, 2013

The ongoing project of “playing house/museum” has been full and fulfilling this fall. Amid the deluge of SAIC class visits and projects, we squeeze in visitors from the public. A grateful guest sent a note of thanks, bolstering our belief that Brown’s Artists’ Museum of Chicago is a worthwhile endeavor. “…i can’t describe how i […]

Spring 2013 Update

Posted in ALL THE NEWS, Blogging the Archive, Happening Now at the RBSC on Sunday, May 19th, 2013

There’s nothing like the return of sandhill cranes to the Midwest after a long winter. Warm spring greetings from the Roger Brown Study Collection. Roger Brown, Memory of Sandhill Cranes, 1981, oil on canvas, 60 x 96 inches Managing the Roger Brown Estate continues to keep us on our toes. We’re thrilled to announce that […]

2012: year in review

Posted in ALL THE NEWS on Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

Greetings. The RBSC is in its fifteenth year of serving SAIC as a house museum encompassing the intimate nature of “home,” among many other things. 2012 is also the fifteenth anniversary of Brown’s passing from this world into the next, and from full time artist in his lifetime, to full time teacher posthumously, through his […]

“Roger Brown is Deadly Serious” Robert Cozzolino lecture on Vimeo

Posted in ALL THE NEWS on Monday, October 1st, 2012

On the occasion of the dual exhibition, Roger Brown: Major Paintings (September 7 – October 27) at Russell Bowman Art Advisory and Zolla Lieberman Gallery we were thrilled to host the lecture Roger Brown is Deadly Serious! by Dr. Robert Cozzolino, at Zolla Lieberman Gallery on Wednesday, September 12.  Bob’s lecture is now online and can be […]

Museums and Gardens –

Posted in ALL THE NEWS, Peek through the keyhole, RBSC Related on Friday, July 13th, 2012

The Spartan Trailer is reunited with part of its garden, and much more. A detail of the Spartan Royal Mansion Garden arrangement recently reconstructed at the Museum of Jurassic Technology, Culver City CA In the course of the previous two months the long talked about Spartan Garden reconstruction has been accomplished.  Having just returned from […]

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