Blind Vision


September 2 – September 23

LG Space


Contributing Artists

Casilda Sanchez

Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:

 In Blind Vision, Casilda Sanchez (MFA 2011) proposes an immersion in the experience of sight and the role of looking in a social context. This exhibition uses video to pose a series of paradoxical encounters with blindness and vision. As Inside as the Eye can See shows two eyes trying to look at one another despite their intense proximity. The video reveals the ironic necessity of distance for clear vision and transforms the gaze from an optic to a haptic sense, where the eyes experience one another through the touch of their eyelashes, rather than their ability to see. As a contrast, Ojos que no ven explores the emoitional tension between blindness and vision, Sanchez explores our perceptions of intimacy and its limits. 

Exhibition Material

Blind Vision was featured in SAIC’s Events + Disruptions Fall 2010 newsletters.

This newsletter is stored in SAIC’s digital collection.