Super Moment


July 17 – August 4

LNC Gallery


Contributing Artists

Max Garett

Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:

In an unlikely combination of objects, Max Garett compiles different visual languages into figures that not only span different cultures, but also different times. Using formal similarities to connect a wide variety of iconographic figures, Super Moment outlines an impetus to pair characters from ancient mythologies with those from a newer history-starting with the paintings found in the caves of Lascaux and ending with a garden purchased at Home Depot. History demonstrates similarities and crossovers between cultures, no matter the time or civilization. Repetition of forms and icons such as the Venus of Willendorf have been scattered throughout different parts of the world. Even Gods in Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology such as Zues, Juptier, and Oden all represent the same basic character in their respective cultures. The situations Max Garett orchestrates illustrate this fact. Works that examine the relationship between figures such as Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro and the snowman, create unique formal experiences that allow viewers to witness improbable objects.


July 17, 2012, 4:00-6:00 P.M.

LNC Gallery

Exhibition Material


Super Moment was published in Chicago visual arts calender site The Visualist