What We All Long For


May 5 – May 30

LNC Gallery 



Felicia Mings

Contributing Artists

Tejpall Ajji, LaMont Hamilton, Ariele Dionne-Krosnick, and Marina Miliou-Theocharaki

Exhibition Statement as Preserved in the SUGS/SITE Archives:

 In Ajji’s film, Auto-body Shop, a non-descript location and mundane but surreal action trouble notions of narrative and ethnographic film as modes of acquiring definite meaning. Auto mechanics roll the tires of an invisible car out of an auto-body shop, down a busy street, and through a park, reenacting actions akin to the movements of daily life. Hamilton’s Five on the Black Hand Side also focuses on a routine action specific to the artist’s life: the dap. Hamilton creates an indexical arrangement of images that traces the gestures and temporal permutations of this historically significant African-American handshake. Playing with Tyng’s Toys recuperates the history of female architect Anne Griswald-Tyng, who has long remained in the shadow of her lover and professional partner, Luis Kahn. Dionne-Krosnick re-creates Tyng’s modular toys, modeling herself with and after Tyng through a process of tactile learning, collaboration, and play. In Practicing the European Union Treaty, Miliou-Theocharaki questions the Treaty’s efficacy through a performance of erasure to signify the socio-economic duress that austerity measures have placed on the people of Greece and the resulting displacement and death of bodies that “don’t belong.”


May 8, 4:00-6:00 PM

LNC Gallery

4:00-4:30 PM | Practicing the European Union Treaty. A Performance by Marina Millou-Theocharki. // 4:30-5:00 PM | Exhibtion Talk. Felicia Mings and Ariele Dionne-Krosnick discuss What We Long For and the publication Book of Longing with moderator Kelly Lloyd. // 5:15-6:00 PM | VCS MA Symposium: Me, You and Everyone We Know. Presentations by Ariele Dionne-Krosnick and Felicia Mings followed by a Q&A session.


Marina Miliou-Theocharaki, Practicing the European Union Treaty, 2014



Curator Felcia Mings and artist LaMont Hamilton completed an in-depth discussion on Hamilton’s photography series Five on the Black Hand Side, featured in the exhibition.


Exhibition Material

What We All Long For was featured in SAIC’s E + D Spring 2014 newsletters.

This newsletter is stored in SAIC’s digital collection.