Occasionally, there are problems with inkjet prints, or other services that the Service Bureau offers. We do our best to avoid these problems, and if we spot them before they are picked up, we reprint them before giving them to the customer.
If you think there is a problem with your order email us immediately. Please include a description of the issue (with a picture if possible), your order number and filename.
- We will only reprint mistakes caused by the Service Bureau staff or our printers.
For example, if the wrong file was printed, or the wrong paper was used or there is damage in the prints (smudges, marks, scratches, ink smears, etc.)
- We will not reprint your files for issues caused by spelling mistakes, low resolution files, bad color/wrong color profile, incorrect sizing, etc.
- For large orders we strongly recommend getting a test strip (Inkjet & Latex only) or order a small quantity first to check your file and formatting.
*Please note – Laser printing output will vary between our two printers and by the day.
Inkjet is recommended for the most accurate color reproduction.
We do our best to check your files before and during the print process but we cannot notice all problems with an order.
Let us know if you are not happy with your order as soon as possible and we will work with you to get it to your satisfaction.
If the issue was our fault.
- If you DO NOT WANT the defective print (“misprint”), we will replace it as quickly as possible and you will pay the full price for the non-defective replacement.
If you want to KEEP the defective print and do not want a replacement non-defective print, you can purchase it at 50% off the original cost.
Not paying for a print is not an option if a print has been produced.
If you do not pay, we will put your SAIC account on hold until the debt is taken care of.
You must inspect your order within 3 days of receiving the ‘Order Complete’ email
- Inkjet prints must be handled with care. Cotton gloves are recommended. Prints can be very curly because they print from a large roll, we have a de-roller available to help flatten prints.
A reprint can ONLY be from the original submitted file. You cannot revise your file for the reprint.
In rare cases where the print is very large or expensive, if we produce a defective print and notice the defect before you come to pick it up, we will call to ask if you want to buy only the defective print for half-price and waive your option for a reprint. We do this to avoid wasting time and materials – some customers are more than happy to pay half-price for a slightly defective print, depending how it will be used and the nature of the defect.
The Service Bureau reprint policy does not apply for prints that have already been mounted or framed.